The risk management information system (RVIS) is being developed based on indicator 2.1.1 "Risk management information system developed" of the project "Improving the quality of work of the chain of justice and strengthening competences in order to protect victims of domestic and gender-based violence". This project is funded and implemented within the framework of the European Economic Area and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 (project no. LT06-3-VRM-TF-001). The goal of the project is to effectively manage the risk of violent persons and systematically work with them, thereby reducing the likelihood of repeated violence.
RVIS is being developed based on the analysis of the experts of the police and the principles of risk management, using modern information technology tools. The target result of the project is to develop IT tool that enables to identify the persons who tend to do the most violence, automatically asses the risk and take preventive measures in time. Based on the automaticall risk assessment changes police officers will manage the life cycle of preventive measures.