A training course "Search and Collection of Traces of Explosives (Narcotic Substances) While Conducting a Vehicle or Premises Inspection. Characteristics of Investigating the Locations (Laboratories) for Homemade Explosives (Synthetic Narcotic..."
10/27/2023 - 13:35
While implementing a Project under of the programme of Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, namely "Search and Collection of Traces of Explosives (Narcotic Substances) While Conducting a Vehicle or Premises Inspection. Characteristics of Investigating the Locations (Laboratories) for Homemade Explosives (Synthetic Narcotic Substances) During Crime Scene Investigation. Developing and Documentation of Fingerprints on Large Objects Using the Cyanoacrylate Fuming Method“ (on 24-26 September 2023).
See photo gallery for the moments captured during the training sessions.