Nowadays when the society faces these tough times and where social communication customs are to be changed due to preventive COVID-19 restrictions, refresher training of law enforcement officials has remained one of the most important factors to ensure development of a result-oriented agency.
Having such unpredicted challenges been encountered, a team of academics and practitioners was gathered in the framework of Project no. LT06-4-VRM-TF-001 under of the programme of the European Economic Area and Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 to prepare distance education syllabi to enhance competence of the Lithuanian criminal police officers.
As of 25 November, a cooperation agreement was concluded between the Lithuanian Criminal Police Bureau and Mykolas Romeris University. Scientists, practitioners and experts will start preparing material for distance education in the fields of undeclared economy phenomena, open source intelligence and strategies in asset investigation for officers since 15 December 2020.
According to Mr Robertas Šimulevičius, Head of Criminal Intelligence Training Centre, Lithuanian Criminal Police Bureau, this is an excellent substitutional tool enabling implementation of consistent refresher training for officers. It is planned that training in the new distant education environment of Criminal Intelligence Training Centre, Lithuanian Criminal Police Bureau, will be available in the first quarter of 2021, consequently, each officer of the criminal police and social partners will be able to raise his/her skill levels, get familiar with innovative practice and investigative strategies at a convenient time.