07/26/2022 - 14:29

On 12 July 2022 a publicity event of the Project under of the programme Justice and Home Affairs” of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, namely, “Strengthening of Inter-Agency Cooperation and Improvement of Crime Investigation Quality Control in the Lithuanian Police“ at the Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania took place.

The event called “A Roundtable Discussion“ made the project partners (i.e. representatives of the Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior, the Lithuanian Criminal Police Bureau and the Lithuanian Police Forensic Science Centre) come together. Colleagues of county police headquarters of the state and other Lithuanian institutions (State Border Guard Service under the Ministry of the Interior, Special Investigation Service, Financial Crime Investigation Service, the Military Police of the Lithuanian Army) were also invited and participated in the event.

The project enforcement team presented the objectives of the project and their implementation advancement. Despite the pandemic situation that messed up the timetable of the planned activities at the beginning of the project implementation, urge is felt to make up for the lost time and to travel to foreign meetings as well as to organize further activities of the project quicker whenever there is an opportunity for that.

Project personnel responsible for procurement matters introduced and visually presented tools purchased using the project funds, i.e. an unmanned aerial vehicle, sound media, forensic equipment, etc.

The presentation of the representative of the Lithuanian Police Forensic Science Centre regarding the project-funded training course organized in relation to a practical shooting trace analysis at a crime scene aroused exceptional curiosity of police officers and caused discussions concerning the application of advanced forensic methods in the police.

This roundtable discussion provided not only an opportunity to present the project and its results in a broader sense but also created an environment for closer communication and sharing of experience and challenges with the colleagues of the police and other institutions.

You can find more pictures here.